Scott Aaronson
David J. Bruton Centennial Professor of Computer Science, University of Texas at Austin; Author, Quantum Computing Since Democritus
Can we program a computer to find a 10,000-bit string that encodes more actionable wisdom than any human has ever expressed?
Anthony Aguirre
Professor of Physics, University of California, Santa Cruz
Are complex biological neural systems fundamentally unpredictable?
Dorsa Amir
Evolutionary Anthropologist, Yale
Are the simplest bits of information in the brain stored at the level of the neuron?
Chris Anderson
CEO, 3D Robotics; Founder, DIY Drones; Author, Free
How can we put rational prices on human lives without becoming inhuman?
Ross Anderson
Professor of Security Engineering at Cambridge University
How will we build the tools to maintain the software in long-lived online devices that can kill us?
Alun Anderson
Senior Consultant (and former Editor-in-Chief and Publishing Director), New Scientist; Author, After the Ice
Are people who cheat vital to driving progress in human societies?
Samuel Arbesman
Complexity Scientist; Scientist in Residence at Lux Capital; Author, Overcomplicated
How do we best build a civilization that is galvanized by long-term thinking?
Dan Ariely
Professor of Psychology and Behavioral Economics, Duke University; Founding Member, Center for Advanced Hindsight; Author, Predictably Irrational
How would changes in the marginal tax rate affect our efforts and motivation?
Noga Arikha
Historian of ideas; Author, Passions and Tempers: A History of the Humours
Will it ever be possible for us to transcend our limited experience of time as linear?
W. Brian Arthur
External Professor, Santa Fe Institute; Visiting Researcher, Intelligent Systems Lab, PARC
Does consciousness reside only in our brains?
Scott Atran
Anthropologist, Directeur de recherche, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Institut Jean Nicod, Paris, Co-Founder, Centre for the Resolution of Intractable Conflict, University of Oxford. Author of Talking to the Enemy
How can science best leverage unreason to overcome the heroic passion for war?
Joscha Bach
Cognitive Scientist, MIT Media Lab, Harvard Program for Evolutionary Dynamics
What is the optimal algorithm for discovering truth?
Mahzarin Banaji
Department Chair; Richard Clarke Cabot Professor of Social Ethics, Department of Psychology, Harvard University; Co-author (with Anthony Greenwald), Blind Spot
Will the appearance of new species of talented computational intelligence result in improving the moral behavior of persons and societies?
Simon Baron-Cohen
Professor of Developmental Psychopathology, University of Cambridge; Fellow, Trinity College, Cambridge; Director, Autism Research Centre, Cambridge; Author, Zero Degrees of Empathy
Can we re-design our education system based on the principle of neurodiversity?
Lisa Feldman Barrett
University Distinguished Professor of Psychology, Northeastern University; Research Neuroscientist, Massachusetts General Hospital; Lecturer in Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School; Author, How Emotions Are Made
How does a single human brain architecture create many kinds of human minds?
Andrew Barron
Neuroethologist, Department of Biological Sciences, Macquarie University
What would a diagram that gave a complete understanding of imagination need to be?
Thomas A. Bass
Professor of English and Journalism, State University of New York, Albany; Author of The Eudaemonic Pie and The Spy Who Loved Us
What libraries will we have to build when cloning becomes infinitely expandable?
Mary Catherine Bateson
Professor Emerita, George Mason University; Visiting Scholar, Sloan Center on Aging and Work, Boston College; Author, Composing a Further Life
Will the process of discovery be completed in any of the natural sciences?
Gregory Benford
Emeritus Professor of Physics and Astronomy, UC-Irvine; Novelist and author, The Berlin Project
What is the hard limit on human longevity?
Laura Betzig
Anthropologist; Historian
Will we ever live together in a hive?
Susan Blackmore
Psychologist; Author, Consciousness: An Introduction
What kinds of minds could solve the mind-body problem?
Alan S. Blinder
Gordon S. Rentschler Memorial Professor of Economics and Public Affairs, Princeton University; Author, Advice and Dissent
Will AI make the Luddites (mostly) right?