Julia Clarke
John A. Wilson Professor and HHMI Professor, Jackson School of Geosciences, University of Texas at Austin
What would comprise the most precise and complete sonic representation of the history of life?
Tyler Cowen
Holbert L. Harris Chair of Economics, George Mason University; Distinguished Senior Fellow, F. A. Hayek Program for Advanced Study in Philosophy, Politics, and Economics; General Director, Mercatus Center
How far are we from wishing to return to the technologies of the year 1900?
Jerry A. Coyne
Professor Emeritus, Department of Ecology and Evolution, University of Chicago; Author, Why Evolution is True; Faith Versus Fact: Why Science and Religion are Incompatible.
If science does in fact confirm that we lack free will, what are the implications for our notions of blame, punishment, reward, and moral responsibility?
James Croak
Why do we experience feelings of meaning in a universe without purpose?
Molly Crockett
Assistant Professor of Psychology, Yale University; Distinguished Research Fellow, Oxford Centre for Neuroethics
Is technology changing the nature of moral emotions?
Helena Cronin
Co-Director of LSE's Centre for Philosophy of Natural and Social Science; Author, The Ant and the Peacock: Altruism and Sexual Selection from Darwin to Today
Can natural selection's legacy of sex differences in values be reconciled with the universal values of the Enlightenment?
Oliver Scott Curry
Senior Researcher, Director, The Oxford Morals Project, Institute of Cognitive and Evolutionary Anthropology, University of Oxford
Why be good?
David Dalrymple
Research affiliate, MIT Media Lab
Could the thermodynamic prophecy of an increasingly entropic universe be fulfilled by the cosmic flourishing of intelligent life?
Kate Darling
Research Specialist, MIT Media Lab; Fellow, Harvard Berkman Center
What future progressive norms would most forward-thinking people today dismiss as too transgressive?
Luca De Biase
Journalist; Editor, Nova 24, of Il Sole 24 Ore
If we want to make a real and effective science-based policy, should we change politics or science?
Stanislas Dehaene
Neuroscientist; Collège de France, Paris; Author, Consciousness and the Brain
Is our brain fundamentally limited in its ability to understand the external world?
Daniel C. Dennett
Philosopher; Austin B. Fletcher Professor of Philosophy, Co-Director, Center for Cognitive Studies, Tufts University; Author, From Bacteria to Bach and Back
How can an aggregation of trillions of selfish, myopic cells discover the unwitting teamwork that turns that dynamic clump into a person who can love, notice, wonder, and keep a promise?
Emanuel Derman
Professor, Financial Engineering, Columbia University; Author, Models.Behaving.Badly
Are accurate mathematical theories of individual human behavior possible?
David Deutsch
Physicist, University of Oxford; Author, The Beginning of Infinity; Recipient, Edge Computation Science Prize
Are the ways qualia relate to computation, creativity to free will, risk to probability, morality to epistemology, all the same question?
Keith Devlin
Mathematician; Executive Director, H-STAR Institute, Stanford; Author, Finding Fibonacci
Can we develop a procedure that, in principle, would tell us whether or not our universe is a simulation (analogous to the way the now proven Poincaré Conjecture can tell us the universe’s shape)?
Jared Diamond
Professor of Geography, University of California Los Angeles; Author, The World Until Yesterday
Why is there such widespread public opposition to science and scientific reasoning in the United States, the world leader in every major branch of science?
Chris DiBona
Open Source and Public Sector, Google
Will a computer ever really understand and experience human kindness?
Rolf Dobelli
Founder, Zurich Minds; Journalist; Author, The Art of Thinking Clearly
Does this question exist in a parallel universe?
P. Murali Doraiswamy
Professor of Psychiatry, Translational Neuroscience Division, Duke University Health System
How will we know if we achieve universal happiness?
Freeman Dyson
Is it ultimately possible for life to bend the shape of the universe to fit life's purposes, as we are now bending the shape of our environment here on earth?
George Dyson
Boat designer; Author, Turing’s Cathedral and Darwin Among the Machines
Why are there no trees in the ocean?