[ Sun. Sep. 15. 2013 ]
Pinker is an intellectual and a psycholinguist, who has dedicated his professional life to know the human being and explain why we are as we are Generally, as a species, Because to try to know why we are as Individuals is impossible. He, himself, does not know why He studied psychology and not another subject, and why his life has taken the path it has taken. These are questions without good answers. Perhaps, as I said, some Opportunities tie with the skills one has, to Become the one you are. ...
His latest book, Already translated to Spanish, "The Better Angels of Out Nature", about he decline of violence and its implications, was written after the annual question answering proposed by state some Reasons for being optimist. Pinker found massive data and evidence to support the notion That violence in the world has Declined Dramatically, Whether we believe it or not. Deeply researched, as usual, he wrote a compelling and powerful book of over a thousand pages, a book that has Already been nominated for many awards. ...

