Is Simon Kvamm a role model? [1]

[ Thu. Jun. 23. 2016 ]

In the past week I seized the opportunity to meet two foreign role models who visited the country.

One is the theoretical physicist Lisa Randall. The other is the artist Brian Eno.

Lisa Randall...spoke to Science & Cocktails in Christiania, which I blogged about here [5]. And she is the person who to me has opened the magic of the laws of physics (and our limited senses to understand it) with books like 'Knocking on Heaven's Door' and her totally humble nature.

Then there's Brian Eno.

...[H]is cooperation with Stewart Brand and The Long Now Foundation and involvement in the anthology This Will Make You Smarter (published by Edge and which each year asks experts in their field an ambitious questions - and to the anthology this year was: "WHAT IS THE MOST INTERESTING RECENT SCIENTIFIC NEWS?"), I found out that Eno is actually deeply ambitious about the world's development while he is a great artist.
