Got Optimism? — The EDGE Annual Question for 2007 [1]

[ Mon. Jan. 1. 2007 ]

Conventional wisdom tells us that things are bad and getting worse. Yet according to Edge [4] - the heady website for world-class scientists and thinkers, and the brainchild of author and entrepreneurial idea man, John Brockman [5], there's good news ahead. Each year, through their World Question Center, they pose a provocative query to their high-minded community. This year they asked: What are you Optimistic about?

They have hundreds of interesting answers [6] on their site -- Futurist Peter Schwartz [7] feels optimistic about getting older, Neurobiologist Samuel Barondes [8] feels confident that we will locate mental illness genes, entrepreneur Jason Calacanis [9] feels we're closer fo finding the third form of happiness, Former Microsoft V.P. Linda Stone [10] believes that people will use technology effectively to build a healthier global community and evolutionary biologist Geoffrey Miller [11] even has some positive thoughts about the Death.

Edge starts a great dialogue about a positive future and we'd like to join in on this conversation. So tell us: What are you optimistic about???
