ROGER HIGHFIELD is the director of external affairs for the Science Museum Group. Prior to joining the National Museum of Science and Industry, he was a high-profile journalist, most recently as editor of New Scientist magazine, and before that as the award-winning science editor of The Daily Telegraph, where he worked for more than 20 years. He is also a regular on radio and TV, and has organised mass participation experiments with the BBC. He is at the leading edge of the integration of web and print and has starred in a series of web videos about everyday science.
Highfied has an MA and DPhil in chemistry from the University of Oxford and spent time working as a scientist at Unilever and Institut Laue Langevin, Grenoble, France, where he became the first person to bounce a neutron off a soap bubble.
He has written/co-authored seven popular science books, all of which have been translated into foreign editions, including After Dolly, The Science of Harry Potter, The Physics of Christmas, The Private Lives of Albert Einstein, Frontiers of Complexity, and SuperCooperators: Altruism, Evolution, and Why We Need Each Other to Succeed. In addition, he was the editor of Craig Venter's A Life Decoded and Life at the Speed of Light.