LUCA DE BIASE is an Italian journalist, writer and blogger. He writes about perspective, a notion that Italy invented and then forgot. Subjects: knowledge and happiness economy, social media and information ecology, value and vision.
In his journalistic work he deals with technological innovation and social and economic prospects of the new media and has written for several newspapers: Italia Oggi, Mondo Economico, Fortune Italy, Panorama, The Industry Standard, Corriere della Sera, L'Espresso and La Stampa. His most recent books: Cambiare Pagina (Rizzoli 2011) and Economia della felicità (Feltrinelli 2007).
He is currently editor at Nova 24, research and innovation section of the daily Il Sole 24 Ore. He has been responsible for Nòva24Review, the bi-monthly in-depth tool no longer published, and promoter of Nòva100, a plan to combine multiple independent blogs. He is now managing La Vita Nòva, bi-monthly app-review for tablets, which has been honored with a Moebius Award, 2011, in Lugano, and a Lovie Award, 2011, in London). He blogs at: