ANDREW REVKIN is the senior fellow for environmental understanding at Pace University's Academy for Applied Environmental Studies and writes the Dot Earth blog for The New York Times. A prize-winning journalist, online communicator and author, he has spent a quarter of a century covering subjects ranging from the assault on the Amazon to the Asian tsunami, from the troubled relationship of science and politics to climate change at the North Pole. From 1995 through 2009, he covered the environment for The Times as a staff reporter.
While the media largely ignored the climate story until the last several years, Revkin spent more than 20 years immersed in this subject, producing more than 500 magazine and newspaper stories, two books, a prize-winning Discovery-Times documentary, "Arctic Rush," and hundreds of posts on his blog. His reporting on the politic struggles over climate policy consistently led all competitors. In 2005 and 2006, he exclusively exposed efforts by political operatives to rewrite government climate reports in the White House and prevent NASA scientists from conveying their views on warming. His stories were quickly followed by the resignations of two presidential appointees.
He has been a pioneer in multimedia journalism, blogging, podcasting, and shooting still and video imagery for stories from far-flung places. One of his pictures, of a scientist trudging in darkness and a blizzard on the North Slope, won an Award of Excellence in the Pictures of the Year International competition in 2005. Revkin created Dot Earth in 2007. He tweets @revkin. He has also carried his journalism to a new generation. Revkin's most recent book is The North Pole Was Here: Puzzles and Perils at the Top of the World, the first account of global and Arctic climate change written for the whole family.
Revkin has written two other books. The Burning Season and Global Warming: Understanding the Forecast, which accompanied the first museum exhibition on climate change, created by the American Museum of Natural History. He was awarded a John Simon Guggenheim Fellowship to help shape his next book, an exploration of ways to smooth the journey as human populations and appetites crest in the next two generations.
Before joining The Times, Revkin was a senior editor of Discover, a staff writer for the Los Angeles Times, and a senior writer at Science Digest. He has contributed freelance articles to the New Yorker, Rolling Stone, AARP's magazine, Conde Nast Traveler and many other publications. Revkin has a biology degree from Brown, a master's degree in journalism from Columbia, has taught at Columbia's Graduate School of Journalism and the graduate center for environmental policy at Bard College.